PSE Symposium

PSE Symposium


As Haiti continues to face the challenges of natural and technological disasters, the role of the private sector in disaster management and recovery becomes increasingly vital. Businesses and nonprofits are essential in providing immediate relief and funding for rebuilding efforts. However, there is a need for clearer guidance and metrics to enhance their participation in these critical areas.

This symposium will focus on the specific challenges and opportunities for the private sector in Haiti. Through discussions and case studies, we will explore successful examples of private-sector engagement, address issues like information use, coordination, and funding timing, and identify areas for future research and policy development to strengthen Haiti’s disaster resilience. 

Join us to help shape a more resilient Haiti through effective Private-Sector Engagement! (In-Person and Virtual via Zoom)

Date: September 12, 2024

Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM EST (Registration at 9:00 AM)

Location: Embassy of Haiti in Washington, DC (In-Person)

Hosts: Miyamoto International & Haiti Renewal Alliance 

Funded by: USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA)

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