HRA Business Investment Expos 2013-2016

HRA Business Investment Expos 2013-2016

The Haiti Business Investment Expo & Conference is an HRA signature events that convenes industries, multiple stakeholders, the private sector, government, civil society and the Diaspora. This exposition helps to identify opportunities and provide a venue for engagement and partnership for investment in Haiti. Through the HRA network, we connect business developers with potential Investors. We assist in brokering deals between entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. We recently launched the Alliance Institute for Business Innovation which incubates and develops ideas into businesses; build the capacity of Haitian SMEs by providing training, mentorship, and knowledge sharing.
Investor’s Tank.

Haiti Renewal Alliance’s Business Incubators serve as a launching pad for young and small businesses. The business incubator provides SMEs and start-ups with a nurturing environment needed to develop and grow their businesses, offering everything from virtual support, business laboratories and everything in between.
A launching pad for young and small businesses

The incubator will provide direct access to hands on intensive business support, access to finance options and expert consulting services while connecting other entrepreneurs and suppliers. We will provide a nurturing, instructive and supportive environment for entrepreneurs during the critical stages of starting up a new business. The goal of the incubator is to increase the chance that a start-up will succeed and shorten the time and reduce the cost of establishing and growing its business. The incubator will nurture the companies that will form the true creators of Haiti’s future wealth and employment.

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