Haitian Diaspora Emergency Response Unit (HDERU) deactivation

Haitian Diaspora Emergency Response Unit (HDERU) deactivation

HDERU deactivation


September 30, 2021

WASHINGTON (HRA) is deactivating their Haitian Diaspora Emergency Response Unit (HDERU), as of September 30th. HRA is proud to be part of a community of diaspora who always answers the call to action whenever and wherever there is a crisis related to our Haitian brothers and sisters. HDERU was quickly activated to response to the disastrous earthquake in Haiti’s southern coastal region, August 14, 2021, and is an integral part of the OneDiaspora.org’s humanitarian assistance role in coordinating the Haitian diaspora’s respond to the disaster. Although HDERU is being deactivated, relief and long-term recovery efforts will continue for countless number of affected people who are still in need of assistance. OneDiaspora.org is to serve as a model, connecting and empowering diaspora investment in development and leverage resources for humanitarian assistance. Please join us at www.OneDiaspora.org

Achievements during activation:

• Over 200 organizations, government officials, health care workers, and other friends of Haiti participate in HDERU situational briefings

• Connect organizations on the ground with the Haitian government’s immediate needs assessment report, allowing us to purchase locally sourced supplies without disrupting the local economy

• Assisted with logistics process, resources, and funding assistance to organizations to get supplies into Haiti and directly to those in need

• Operationalized OneDiaspora.org, an online command center platform where we now have over 60 organizations who work in Haiti registered and have access to centralized resources

• Launched a flash appeal where HRA as an organization were able to donate $50K and have pledges over $1.5MM, HRA purchased and distributed 2000 units of 5 gallons of water, 500 tents and tarps, and sent containers filled with medical and hygiene supplies towards the relief into recovery efforts.

OneDiaspora.org is a one-stop shop for coordination and streamlining of humanitarian assistance to Haitian compatriots, when a disaster strikes. OneDiaspora.org platform also maximizes stronger connections to support Haïti’s private sector, particularly, small-medium enterprises, to ensure the local economy is not disrupted. It is for this reason that HDERU’s effort are sustained beyond the international relief response and is focused on diaspora projects and plans at the nexus of humanitarian assistance and development. We are appealing to our friends and friends of Haiti to join us in giving, knowing that we are Building Back Better with DIFFERENT PLAYERS.”

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