Creating a Diaspora Shelter Working Group

Creating a Diaspora Shelter Working Group

Under the Global Shelter Cluster framework, a specific working group has been formed on strengthening diaspora engagement in shelter response (DESR WG). This new forum has led to the definition of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), that were finalized in August 2021. These are meant to propose a step-by-step procedure for a more coordinated and effective engagement of diasporas in the Shelter & Settlement response, with the ultimate goal of expanding and improving assistance in the shelter sector to affected communities, at different stages of the crisis management cycle. These SOPs are designed in the hope they may be used in all crisis contexts, where diasporas intervene within the shelter and settlement sector. 

These key processes, as identified in the SOPs, aim to highlight the key actions that should constitute the core of a recommended framework for interagency coordination, communication and cooperation between diasporas and shelter actors, with the Shelter Cluster, both at the global and country level, being the main reference platform.

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